[组图]2015届高考英语二轮复习 书面表达专题卷3
2015届高考英语二轮复习 书面表达专题卷3
作者:admin    高考辅导来源:转载    点击数:215    更新时间:2015/3/15



发现了一只小鸟受伤了,在地上无法飞行, 于是他们展开了抢救行动。你就此事写一篇新闻报道。要点如下:

1. 时间、地点、情景;

2. 描述处理方式, 包括救助, 治疗, …… 

3. 简要谈谈你的感想。


参考词汇: “绿眼睛环保组织: Green Eyes

Saving The Wounded Bird

One Saturday afternoon, Li Hua and Wang Ping, members from “Green Eyes”,_______




某中学生英文报于世界无烟日 (World No-Smoking Day)”前夕征集关于吸烟危害健康的小论文请你为其投稿。内容至少包括以下要点:


2.世界卫生组织 (The WHO) 称每年至少两百万人死于与吸烟有关的疾病;








2. 词数150左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。

3. 作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。

Nowadays, with the growing popularity of computers, teachers, students and their parents are paying less and less attention to handwriting.



假设你是李华,作为选派的交流学生在美国某中学学习了一年,寄住在Mr. Brown家里,刚回到国内。回国后,你发现自己的一本英语词典遗忘在他家,因此给他写了一封信,请他帮助寄回词典。信的主要内容如下:

1. 感谢在美国期间他所提供的帮助

2. 一本英语词典忘记带回

3. 词典是美国老师送的,非常珍贵

4. 词典很可能丢在卧室的书架上

5. 邮资自己付









1. 该漫画告诉了我们什么;

2. 你对此现象的看法;

3. 我们该如何主动和父母亲沟通。


1. 表达时要适当发挥想象,不要仅作简单描述。

2. 词数100左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。

3. 文中不得提及本人的相关信息。


Modern technology has many advantages. While we enjoy the fun and convenience of the Internet, we also experience some new problems. This caricature describes one of them.




Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

随着科技的发展,iPod 已成为中学生的新宠。用iPod既可听音乐、阅读纯文本电子书, 又可玩电子游戏。请你用英语写一篇小短文,谈谈中学生使用iPod的情况。内容必须包括以下几点:

1. 使用iPod对学习的好处;

2. 对课堂纪律和学习可能产生的负面影响。






Saving The Wounded Bird

One Saturday afternoon, Li Hua and Wang Ping, members from “Green Eyes”, were having an environmental protection activity near the riverside when they caught sight of a bird on the ground. They picked it up and found it wounded.

Thinking it might die without timely help, they took it home. They made a nest for it and fed it with rice and water. Under their treatment and care, the lucky bird got recovered soon. When time came for them to fly the bird back to nature, they felt a bit pity but very delighted.

I think it’s worthwhile for them to do such a thing. Here I call on the public to show respect to nature. Only by changing the way we treat the environment can we get along well with it. (120)



As is known to us all, smoking does harm to not only smokers themselves but also people around them. Smoking can lead to various diseases, like heart trouble, cancer and other problems. The WHO says diseases related to smoking kill at least two million people each year. Though it is not easy for the smokers to give up smoking, I hope they should try to stop smoking for the health of themselves and others. And our government should make laws which ban smoking in public places.

Since smoking is so harmful, I hope all teenagers would not try to start to smoke and form healthy habits.            



Nowadays with the growing popularity of computers, teachers, students and their parents are paying less and less attention to handwriting.

A recent survey has asked a number of middle school students on what they think about their handwriting skills. A surprising number of students, 85.8 percentadmit that the quality of their handwriting is poor. When questioned about how they can improve it51.5 percent reply that it will be a waste of time as they can use a computer for the majority of their written work. A further 32.3 percent report that with the amount of homework they are assigned each daythey are far too busy to practice. Another 10.9 percent agree that further practice is useless anyway while 5.3% give various other reasons.

In my opiniona student's handwriting style is most important in building their confidence in the classroom. In additionit will benefit the teachers when they correct their students' homework. Thereforethis aspect should be further developed to assist them in their future working life.


试题分析:考查提纲类书面表达:这是一篇提纲类作文,我们需要用正确的英语把给出的要点表达出来. 动笔前,一定要认真分析要点,理解要点要表达的含义,不能遗漏要点,跑题偏题。本作文中给出的要点比较具体,故需要准确表达.写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。特别注意在选择句式时要赋予变化。平时除了加强词汇积累,写作联系以外,还可以适当记忆一些类似的范文,这样在考试中可以起到事半功倍的效果。


范文中运用一些常见的短语the amount of大量的;too ..to 太。。而不能;In my opinion在我看来;In addition此外;A recent survey has asked a number of middle school students on what they think about their handwriting skills.这个句子what引导是介词on的宾主从句;Another 10.9 percent agree that further practice is useless anyway while 5.3% give various other reasons.这个句子while表示对比;Thereforethis aspect should be further developed to assist them in their future working life.这个句子中to assist them表示目的状语;

考点: 提纲类作文



Dear Mr. Brown,

I have been back, and write this letter to show my thanks. As the exchange student, you make me feel warm. Welcome to my country ,I’ll show you around in turn.

  However , there exists a problem that I have left my dictionary at  your home. I like it very much , for it was a precious gift from my teacher who comes from the U.S. I guess that my book may stay on your shelf in the bedroom .

  Do you mind if you send my dictionary to me? I will pay for the postage and I’ll be very grateful if you show your warmness again.

  I’m eager to receive your reply.


  Li hua






这是一篇看图写作,做题时:1. 认真读图,可知图画体现了学习过程中可能会遇到的一些问题,2. 初步构思,考虑用词、短语、句型和时态。3. 连词成句,然后再连句成文。尽可能地充分利用所学的短语或句型来表述具体的内容。4. 反复审核,修改错误。5. 注意所给的汉语提示。一般说来,以为主。其中以图提供情景的作文以为主,通过过细心观察图中的人物、景物、文字、数字等,弄清写作的意图,通过分析思考把握逻辑联系,找出主题并借助所给的文字,把图中的信息转化成文章,要表达出提供情景的意图和内涵,即文在图上、意在画外,触景生情,文章才能有灵魂;则是用在以图表提供情景为主的作文,要读懂图表中的数据、时间、编码以及相互间的变化关系,对所给的信息加以分析、推断、筛癣概括、去粗取精;在写作时目的要明确,要注意内容的准确性和严肃性,尤其是图表中的数据、时间等不得有误。看图写话中的汉语提示往往给定了有关的时间、地点、人物等相关的信息,还有参考词汇都是有用信息。



Now many students have iPods and think it’s a fashion to use them. Using an iPod, we can listen to music, download a lot of learning materials and read them on the screen. Apparently, it is helpful to our study, especially to our English listening.

Some students, however, bring their iPods to classroom and listen to music with earphones, which makes the teacher and other students greatly annoyed. Some of them even waste precious time in class playing video games.

In my opinion, as a student, we should make good use of iPod to help achieve academic success. Classroom is a place for students to study, and therefore concentration is awfully needed for us to learn our lessons. Furthermore, the school should make a rule to guide the students to use iPod in a proper way.




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